What does Toque Off mean?

Toque Off is a meant to be a Canadianism that points to our uniqueness and what makes us who we are. If you've spent a winter in Canada you know what a toque is. Toque Off was coined as a variation on Take Off, which was popularised by SCTV in their The Great White North skits with Bob and Doug McKenzie, two beer drinking and backbacon eating hosers played by Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas. Someone's squatting on takeoff.ca so we did the Canadian thing and compromised.

Some people use Toque Off as a stand-in for something rude. We're OK with that and encourage it over saying the rude thing.

Why are Canadians demonstrating?

American President Trump is using 25% tariffs, essentially war by economic means, to attemp to annex Canada and make it the 51st State of the US. That's a very bad idea, and we want as many people to know that as possible. We want Trump to stop with the tariffs and other craziness and really don't want him to get any even weirder ideas about how to take over Canada.

Is Toque Off partisan?

No! We have a super-big tent and we want everyone in Canada to fit into it. Toque Off is for everyone!

Unfortunately there are a few people we are worried about because they seem to be helping Trump. We hope they will stop doing that and join us instead.

Is Toque Off anti-American?

No! We are pro-American and hope our demonstrations will help urge Americans to reign-in their President's unconstitutional actions and reassert their democratic traditions. We have been very happy to have Americans show up at our demonstrations and want that to continue. Please do your part to make them feel welcome.

Who can come to Toque Off demonstrations?

Everyone is welcome! Bring your friends, your family, your kids, your auntie, your neighbours... literally anyone who wants to stand up for a sovereign and independant Canada. You don't need to be Canadian, a permanent resident, or any of that stuff. If you're here visiting and want to have fun with some happy people come on by!

Can I help?

Yes please!! Check the Get Involved page to learn more.

Where do Toque Off demonstrations happen?

Toque Off started in Vancouver. We are hoping to have Toque Off demos all across Canada. Check our locations page to find one near you.

Is Geddy Lee going to perform Take Off at the next demo in <your town here>?

Oh wow, you heard the rumour too?!? That would be so cool! Until then, you can listen to Geddy, Bob and Doug here. And if you are wondering if that is really Rush frontman Geddy Lee check out this Professor of Rock episode. I guess $10 was a lot of money in the 80's.