About Toque Off!

Toque Off is a grassroots volunteer effort to respond to Trump's threats to annex Canada and to use tariffs as economic warfare to force us to our knees. We're not for kneeling, or kissing rings. Now is our opportunity and Toque Off our method to make it clear we will never become part of the United States.

Toque Off's goal is to hold regular protests across Canada, and especially at American Consulates and at the Embassy. We need to walk before we can run, so we are starting with weekly protests at 2-3pm. When we can, we would like to make them more frequent.

It sounds cheesy, but Canada needs you. It needs all of us. This is the biggest threat to Canadian sovereignty since the War of 1812. Coming out to an hour long demonstration is a very small price to pay to protect the place we live and the values we love.

Thank-you for doing your part.