Tell Trump to Toque Off Eh!

Stand up for a strong independant Canada!

A far-right government has come to power in the US and is threatening Canada's sovereignty. Help us tell them we are NOT and never will be the 51st state.


Join Us Saturdays 2-3pm at your nearest US Consulate or Embassy.

Wear your toques and a smile! Bring your family, friends, and neighbours! Everyone is welcome! Yes, even if you're American!

Bring a sign and be seen! Have a flag? Bring it! A drum? Bring it!

Remember our beef is with Trump, not embassy or consulate staff, and definitely not regular Americans.

We like Americans, we just don't want to be Americans.

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Toque Off is about as grassroots as you can get. If you are able to help please do!

There are lots of opportunities to help. Translations and getting the word out are the most glaring. See the Get Involved page for details. And thanks!

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Nos amis francaise, pouvez vous nous aider avec une version francaise? Contactez-nous par Signal SVP!

Other Languages?

Yes please! We welcome translations for any language, the more the better! Please contact us by Signal.